
I'm still around

Hey everybody,
I know I have been neglecting this blog for about half a year and a lot of things happened.
First of all in november I decided to stop multiboxing and took a WoW break to do a few other things. After a few months I started playing again and toyed around with a rogue and a warrior but nothing kept me interested. I started a resto shaman, played to 70 and raided a few times with some old friends but lost interest because full time healing just isn't that interesting for me.
I figured when I have a decently equpped shaman at 70 and a rogue why not simply power level 4 more shamans to 70 and try some of the things that so many other guys at have done successfully: pve and pvp with 5 shamans.
When I am done leveling those toons I will transfer my shamans to a high pop german pve server (did I mention thos toons are alliance?). If you have any suggestion where I should transfer please leave a comment. Maybe you are a multiboxer too and like me to come to your server so we can toy a round together?
Anyways, I gotta return to SM now (toons are lvl 31 atm) and blow up the cathedral with my rogue a few more times.
Stay tuned for further updates,

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