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The Shattered Halls
Good morning everybody!
I compiled a video of which I consider one of the most fun instances: The Shattered Halls. This video does not only include the boss fights but also some of the trash pulls which are really fun to tank.
In the fight with Grand Warlock Nethekurse I started training something that I will need to be able to do for a few fights: Moving chars during the fight. If you don't know the fight, Nethekurse spawns void zones at the feet of your chars that you need to get out of as they do damage.
It may sound rather easy: Just move out of the void zone and in fact it is when you play just one char but playing five at the same time makes this task a little harder. Apart from building threat on the tank, healing and dpsing one needs to keep an eye on all monitors for the void zones and when they spawn one has to find the right keys to move the char. Fun and challenging!
The Nethekurse encounter is rather forgiving; there are other void zone encounters that kill your toon much faster so it is a good training. I managed to save all my chars from the void zones but one but I hope to get better at this when I run the instance a few more times.
Warbringer O'mrogg is incredibly boring. All you have to do is be VERY careful with aggro. I shortened that fight in the video.
Warchief Kargath Bladefist on the other hand is a nice encounter. On WoW Wiki I have found a strategy where to position your toons so they will not get hit by the blade dance. It works pretty good. Maintaining high dps on Kargath and fearing the adds does the job.
The video can be found here:
o.m.a. vs. The Shattered Halls
Have a nice week,
I compiled a video of which I consider one of the most fun instances: The Shattered Halls. This video does not only include the boss fights but also some of the trash pulls which are really fun to tank.
In the fight with Grand Warlock Nethekurse I started training something that I will need to be able to do for a few fights: Moving chars during the fight. If you don't know the fight, Nethekurse spawns void zones at the feet of your chars that you need to get out of as they do damage.
It may sound rather easy: Just move out of the void zone and in fact it is when you play just one char but playing five at the same time makes this task a little harder. Apart from building threat on the tank, healing and dpsing one needs to keep an eye on all monitors for the void zones and when they spawn one has to find the right keys to move the char. Fun and challenging!
The Nethekurse encounter is rather forgiving; there are other void zone encounters that kill your toon much faster so it is a good training. I managed to save all my chars from the void zones but one but I hope to get better at this when I run the instance a few more times.
Warbringer O'mrogg is incredibly boring. All you have to do is be VERY careful with aggro. I shortened that fight in the video.
Warchief Kargath Bladefist on the other hand is a nice encounter. On WoW Wiki I have found a strategy where to position your toons so they will not get hit by the blade dance. It works pretty good. Maintaining high dps on Kargath and fearing the adds does the job.
The video can be found here:
o.m.a. vs. The Shattered Halls
Have a nice week,
Mechanar heroic part 2 video + Shadow Labs clear
Good morning everybody!
It's 1 am in germany and I am about to go to bed. Before doing so I wanted to share what happend during the last couple of days.
First I finished the video on the second part of Mechanar heroic. It shows killing the second keykeeper and the calculator but I skipped Nethermancer Sepethrea. That fight has just too much movement involved for a multi-boxer. The video can be found on YouTube:
o.m.a. vs. Mechanar heroic (part 2)
After getting headless horseman rings and first upgrades for heroic badges for my toons I felt it was time to try the shadow labs again. Downing Ambassador Hellmaw is not too hard with the pvp trinket and due to the fact that all my toons are undead.
I am so happy about chosing undead because WotF has simplified a couple of encounters. Sure the 5% health bost for taurens is nice but for multiboxing purposes I think undead is the better choice.
Until today Blackheart the Inciter was the real problem I had with this instance. I couldn't kill him because my toons were just too "soft". Today I have "outgeared" him in the first try. At about 25% my DDs were down and only my priest and my prot warrior were alive. The warrior doesn't do enough damage to kill the priest in the chaos phases and the priest has enough mp5 to keep everybody alive. So I was able to get the last 25% down only with those two toons. Felt like it took half an hour but was fun to do.
The last two bosses were rather easy (as expected). Grandmaster Vorpil went down on the third try after I figured out when to run where and Murmur was even easier.
After getting the next two fragments for the Karazhan prequest I started trying the Black Morass and I was surprised: I expected have no chance at all because of all the movement involved but I was able to make it to the second boss twice.
During my first attempt I didn't realize it was already rift number 12 till I got killed and on my second try I got a little confused.
Anyways, one of my mages has nice new shoulder pieces and I expect that it is possible for me to open the dark portal during the next couple of days.
Everybody have a good night,
It's 1 am in germany and I am about to go to bed. Before doing so I wanted to share what happend during the last couple of days.
First I finished the video on the second part of Mechanar heroic. It shows killing the second keykeeper and the calculator but I skipped Nethermancer Sepethrea. That fight has just too much movement involved for a multi-boxer. The video can be found on YouTube:
o.m.a. vs. Mechanar heroic (part 2)
After getting headless horseman rings and first upgrades for heroic badges for my toons I felt it was time to try the shadow labs again. Downing Ambassador Hellmaw is not too hard with the pvp trinket and due to the fact that all my toons are undead.
I am so happy about chosing undead because WotF has simplified a couple of encounters. Sure the 5% health bost for taurens is nice but for multiboxing purposes I think undead is the better choice.
Until today Blackheart the Inciter was the real problem I had with this instance. I couldn't kill him because my toons were just too "soft". Today I have "outgeared" him in the first try. At about 25% my DDs were down and only my priest and my prot warrior were alive. The warrior doesn't do enough damage to kill the priest in the chaos phases and the priest has enough mp5 to keep everybody alive. So I was able to get the last 25% down only with those two toons. Felt like it took half an hour but was fun to do.
The last two bosses were rather easy (as expected). Grandmaster Vorpil went down on the third try after I figured out when to run where and Murmur was even easier.
After getting the next two fragments for the Karazhan prequest I started trying the Black Morass and I was surprised: I expected have no chance at all because of all the movement involved but I was able to make it to the second boss twice.
During my first attempt I didn't realize it was already rift number 12 till I got killed and on my second try I got a little confused.
Anyways, one of my mages has nice new shoulder pieces and I expect that it is possible for me to open the dark portal during the next couple of days.
Everybody have a good night,
Heroic calculator down
I finally managed to down Pathaleon in heroic mode. It was a struggle with about 10 to 15 corpse runs on the second level trash and the boss himself but after my first attempt already got him to about 25% I really wanted to kill him. Second level trash hits so much harder than first level, especially the Tempest-Forge Destroyers.
Being able to kill a heroic dungeon final boss offers new perspectives:
The calculator was kind enough to drop
to replace my priests green boots. I will get a video up these days of killing the second key keeper and the calculator.
Have a beautiful day,
Being able to kill a heroic dungeon final boss offers new perspectives:
- I have a steady income of primal nethers
- I have a steady income of void crystals from the not needed epic drops
- I can farm for the suneater (I so much want that sword on my warrior, looks so good)
- When patch 2.3 hits the servers there are supposed to be daily quests for the heroics. Hopefully there is one for the calculator that yields 2 badges and 25g cash
The calculator was kind enough to drop
Have a beautiful day,
Mechanar heroic
Just like everybody says Mechanar is the easiest of all heroic instances. I have been farming the first part for the last couple of days to have a steady income of 2 heroic badges per day (having 24 on each toon right now).
The trash pulls are just the same as in non heroic mode - except they hit a lot harder. The only trash pulls I occasionally have problems with are the ones with those bomb throwing demons (can't remember their name right now). My tactics with those usually is: shield the tank, pull the mobs and, using line of sight, move those bomb guys into range for my casters and then burn them down as quickly as possible. Works with a little practice but sometimes something goes wrong because while doing this I also have to start tanking one of the demons, banishing another one and a little later start healing the tank - this can get crowded.
The first key keeper is as you know just plain tank and spank. Basically it is an equipment check for the tanks healthpoints and the healers healing power. Just remember to chain heal when he lifts his hammer.
After clearing the trash to the first boss Mechano-Lord Capacitus is a real joke. You have to position everyone right and can burn him down comfortably (see video for positioning). In fact he is much easier than the key keeper. I usually put my tank in 100-150 arcane resist but I am not sure if that really is necessary. One thing I have noticed (altough that may just have been bad luck) is that at roughly 5% the does some big swings toward my tank (6k twice last time I checked). That can be avoided by just chain healing towars the end.
A video of the fights vs. the first two badges is posted on YouTube (if you are not from Germany turn of the sound):
o.m.a. vs. Heroic Mechanar (part 1)
The second keyguy is tougher. The casters need a decent amount of health points and the healer needs to be equiped to group heal everybody without pulling aggro from the tank. I am not sure how I whould do this encounter if my healer wasn't a priest but a character without group heal.
Anyways, I can kill the second keykeeper but usually not without casualties. I have also tried trash on the second level but found that it hits much harder than on the first level. I hope to be able to attempt my first heroic Pathaleon the Calculator tries in the next few days. I really want the Suneater for my tank!
Have a nice day,
The trash pulls are just the same as in non heroic mode - except they hit a lot harder. The only trash pulls I occasionally have problems with are the ones with those bomb throwing demons (can't remember their name right now). My tactics with those usually is: shield the tank, pull the mobs and, using line of sight, move those bomb guys into range for my casters and then burn them down as quickly as possible. Works with a little practice but sometimes something goes wrong because while doing this I also have to start tanking one of the demons, banishing another one and a little later start healing the tank - this can get crowded.
The first key keeper is as you know just plain tank and spank. Basically it is an equipment check for the tanks healthpoints and the healers healing power. Just remember to chain heal when he lifts his hammer.
After clearing the trash to the first boss Mechano-Lord Capacitus is a real joke. You have to position everyone right and can burn him down comfortably (see video for positioning). In fact he is much easier than the key keeper. I usually put my tank in 100-150 arcane resist but I am not sure if that really is necessary. One thing I have noticed (altough that may just have been bad luck) is that at roughly 5% the does some big swings toward my tank (6k twice last time I checked). That can be avoided by just chain healing towars the end.
A video of the fights vs. the first two badges is posted on YouTube (if you are not from Germany turn of the sound):
o.m.a. vs. Heroic Mechanar (part 1)
The second keyguy is tougher. The casters need a decent amount of health points and the healer needs to be equiped to group heal everybody without pulling aggro from the tank. I am not sure how I whould do this encounter if my healer wasn't a priest but a character without group heal.
Anyways, I can kill the second keykeeper but usually not without casualties. I have also tried trash on the second level but found that it hits much harder than on the first level. I hope to be able to attempt my first heroic Pathaleon the Calculator tries in the next few days. I really want the Suneater for my tank!
Have a nice day,
Trick or Treat!
Blizzard did a really good job with their Halloween event. For the role-players there are flying brooms and pumpkins everywhere and for everybody else there is an event that yields pretty good rewards: The headless horseman.
The encounter is perfect for me. It is hard enough to be a challenge yet not too hard to beat and it has very little movement involved. After learning the encounter I beat it about every second try. Plus there are some really nice rings for my clothys to get.
I posted a video of the encounter on YouTube:
o.m.a. vs. The headless horseman
Hopefully Blizzard will have more events that present casual gamers and multiboxers with challenges like this.
Have a nice weekend!
The encounter is perfect for me. It is hard enough to be a challenge yet not too hard to beat and it has very little movement involved. After learning the encounter I beat it about every second try. Plus there are some really nice rings for my clothys to get.
I posted a video of the encounter on YouTube:
o.m.a. vs. The headless horseman
Hopefully Blizzard will have more events that present casual gamers and multiboxers with challenges like this.
Have a nice weekend!
Another level 70
Yesterday I started frapsing Mechanar heroic (video will be up this weekend) and after killing the first key-keeper and Mechano-Lord Capacitus I had a rough time with the second key-keeper. I managed to kill him in the third try with three dead toons and felt that I was not prepared to try for Pathaleon the Calculator.
Nethermancer Sepethrea is always left out by me even in non-heroic because there is too much movement involved in that fight. I might try it later when my toons have decent fire resist gear.
After getting my three heroic badges I decided to get the lock I dropped when I added my warrior to my group to level 70. Running Sethekk halls was a nice and easy way to do this. I will include him more often on non-heroic instance runs this weekend because he has much worse equipment than the rest of the group and can use Sha'tar reputation (all my other toons are exaltered already).
Apart from the easy blue shards I was lucky to get the plans for Runenverzierte Eterniumklinge/Eternium Runed Blade. I am not sure if I'll learn the plans or sell them.
From now on I will continuously add characters from other servers I used to play on to hopefully get a 10 box team in a couple of weeks that is roughly on the same equipment level. The goal of course is to try Kara when everything is set up although there are a lot of things left to do:
Anyways, there is a lot to do and a lot of toons to gear before I will be able to attempt 10 boxing.
Stay tuned for new videos during the weekend - it is really cold in Germany at the moment so I guess I'll have a lot of time to play.
Nethermancer Sepethrea is always left out by me even in non-heroic because there is too much movement involved in that fight. I might try it later when my toons have decent fire resist gear.
After getting my three heroic badges I decided to get the lock I dropped when I added my warrior to my group to level 70. Running Sethekk halls was a nice and easy way to do this. I will include him more often on non-heroic instance runs this weekend because he has much worse equipment than the rest of the group and can use Sha'tar reputation (all my other toons are exaltered already).
Apart from the easy blue shards I was lucky to get the plans for Runenverzierte Eterniumklinge/Eternium Runed Blade. I am not sure if I'll learn the plans or sell them.
From now on I will continuously add characters from other servers I used to play on to hopefully get a 10 box team in a couple of weeks that is roughly on the same equipment level. The goal of course is to try Kara when everything is set up although there are a lot of things left to do:
- Complete the Kara Key quest: Currently I work on Blackheart the Inciter in the shadow labs. A lot of movement and luck involved in that fight. I'll probably give it another shot this weekend. After that I'll have to complete CoT2 which I guess will be hard.
- After completing the Kara key quest I'll start running tests if my hardware and my internet connection can handle 10 clients. I don't think that this will be a problem but it is better to be sure.
- Learn to tank on two clients simultaneously and learn to heal those tanks separately. This is going to be tough! I plan on maintanking as much as I can with my warrior but occasionally I will need a second tank. I plan on using my druid for that purpose; mainly because I have a paladin that has pretty good healing equipment I want to use.
Anyways, there is a lot to do and a lot of toons to gear before I will be able to attempt 10 boxing.
Stay tuned for new videos during the weekend - it is really cold in Germany at the moment so I guess I'll have a lot of time to play.
Welcome to my new blog!
This blog is going to show my adventures in Multi-Boxing WoW.
I have been multiboxing WoW for a couple of months starting with a group of 5 clothys (2xmage, 2xlock, priest) but transfering my warrior to replace one of the locks when they approached 70.
Currently I plan to create a 10box team on my server EU-Durotan (PvE). I expect to have that team up and running in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned to this blog.
Aside from keeping track of what is going on I am going to put up videos on YouTube with hints and tactics I use to kill a boss. Expect no fancy editing; it is going to be more like a collection of tactics that may or may not be of use for multiboxers.
I hope you enjoy this blog, I certainly enjoy your comments,
PS: Go easy on my writing skills, english is not my native language
This blog is going to show my adventures in Multi-Boxing WoW.
I have been multiboxing WoW for a couple of months starting with a group of 5 clothys (2xmage, 2xlock, priest) but transfering my warrior to replace one of the locks when they approached 70.
Currently I plan to create a 10box team on my server EU-Durotan (PvE). I expect to have that team up and running in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned to this blog.
Aside from keeping track of what is going on I am going to put up videos on YouTube with hints and tactics I use to kill a boss. Expect no fancy editing; it is going to be more like a collection of tactics that may or may not be of use for multiboxers.
I hope you enjoy this blog, I certainly enjoy your comments,
PS: Go easy on my writing skills, english is not my native language
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